Building AYAB

Build process for Development

AYAB’s GUI is built in Python, based on PyQt4. To develop for it, you must have a set of packages installed.

  • Python 2.7+ (Python 3 is not yet supported.)
  • PyQt4
  • PySerial
  • Fysom
  • Yapsy
  • Pillow (PIL)

You can install most of this packages (except for Python 2.7 and PyQt4) either using your distribution’s package manager or using Pip if available. The full list of requirements is available on the requirements.txt file on the software directory. The file also includes the dependencies that can be instaled via pip so you can install using a Virtual Enviroment.

If you are in Windows, you can either install Python for Windows, PyQt4 for Windows and pip and easy_install. An easier alternative is installing a bundle such as WinPython.

After installing all requirements, you can run AYAB directly using python2

To build you can use python sdist. It will generate a .tar.gz file on dist/. This is a tar.gz file that you can install using easy_install or the bundled

Build process for Deploy

Windows packages are built using py2exe python py2exe.